
Hideout as a paradox to rediscover yourself and tell your story in order to bring out the beauty in our inner self,...bringing to life your own creativity to ensure that the realization of your best dream can come true.

is the name of the character chosen by Giuseppe Giannoni (creator of the registered trademark, Adamo's hideout) to tell the story in this adventure.

Giuseppe Giannoni was born in Sardinia in 1973, to a Sardinian mother and an Umbrian father. Using "observation" as a teacher, he becomes it’s pupil, carving with his constant thoughts the reality of the environment that surrounds him.
With chameleon spirit, a water sign, he draws with his imagination between the famous rocks of the Gallura (Sardinian Island) and gains inspiration for the first one of the series "The Crowd": twisted glances, deep, powerful, expressive. These same expressions are carried forward in time, through different scenes, Milan, London, Barcelona, where he lived, experiencing the glamour and fashion of showbusiness.
Metropolitan glances, multiethnic, of different observation.
The "true sense of knowing how to look at the world" and to be able to penetrate and dig into the soul of every human being, is the concept that prevails in his works, characterized by his strong, confident strokes in both chalk and acrylic.
Defined as the “Unaware", for the fact that he's sceptical about his artistic ability, his creativity is compared to the genius of an "urban artist" with a mixture of irony and sweetness, anger and calm, positivity, courage and fun.
The style is lively, powerful and innate,intrinsic: an abstract ready to explode which ranges from the use of a simple pencil or pastel and chalk, to reach at the maximum expression of its mixed technique on large formats.